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Create a Business Express Account and start the application process for an Electronic Notary as explained in the video.
You will receive an email similar to this:

Applying to become an electronic notary

Directions According to the NYS Department of State.

I am currently licensed as a traditional notary. When I become licensed
as an e-notary, what happens to my traditional notary license?

Once your e-notary license is issued, your traditional notary license will
automatically be cancelled. You must use your new e-notary identification
number on all notarizations performed. (ie: Wet Ink or Digital) (Note: you would
need purchase a new stamp with your electronic credentials) Even though you now
have an Electronic Notary Commission, you may still notarize the “old-fashioned” way.

What is an Electronic Notary?
Electronic notaries are notaries public who are registered to perform electronic
notarial acts, which may be done remotely online. An electronic notary
commission will authorize the license holder to provide both electronic remote
online notarial services and traditional notary services.

What are the requirements for an exemplar?
Exemplars are required for electronic notaries only. Your exemplar should
include your electronic signature and seal as well as information about your
digital credential service provider. Your electronic signature must be a digital
version of your signature, typed signatures are not accepted. If you need
assistance with your exemplar, please contact your service provider.

How do I submit an exemplar?
After you have been issued an electronic notary commission, please login to
your NY Business Express Account and navigate to your dashboard. Select
“Start Exemplar Application” to submit an exemplar. If you have more than
one service provider, or if you change service providers, you may navigate
here to submit or update your exemplar.


Choose your digital service provider (which will also serve as  your digital signature holder ie: Exemplar).  My personal recommendation:

Secured Signing



Create an exemplar, which is essentially a digital version of your
signature & seal which looks like similar to the image below:

Sample Exemplar

When you receive your official commission:

Purchase a
Stamp & Journal with your new credentials.

or use a Digital Journal

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